Hope you had a howling good Christmas-I sure did!
My sister, Emily, gave me a Snuggie.

My sister, Elly, gave me a new Christmas sweater that said,
"Ho, Ho, Ho".
Here I am in it next to my tree and stocking, looking rather sharp...
don't you think?

My brother, Daniel-Taylor, he gave me...what did he give me???
Wait a barking minute, he didn't give me anything did he?
(I guess he is still upset about the "peeing" incident, that wasn't my fault!)
Oh well, My Mom and my dad gave me a Beenie Baby doggie, a Harley-Davidson leash, and some really yummy Pupperonis.
I really had fun, you know my friend Rosie was here during the holidays.
I just love playing, or should I say smelling her. She looked hot in her new bikini...wanna see....

What did I tell you...she is a looker!
Well...gotta go now and check the front door. Maybe my brother dropped his gift by the house when I was in Gulf Shores.
Bark at you later,