Where's the Turkey?
That's a mystery for me, Harley, the Schnoodle Doodle.
However, all I know about a turkey is that butterball is the best kind because it is white, plump, fluffy and irresistible.
Lookin' for Turkey took me a long way from home.
My Mom said it was Turkey Day and we were heading for Nashville to My Sister's House.
I had to ride in the car for days, or a few hours...it was a really long time.

Guess I'll look around the house for that turkey, however I have never seen a turkey before.
Nope, that's not a turkey...that's Rosie, my sweet smelling cousin.
but My Mom said they were owls not turkeys.

Hey, you all in the living room...Have you seen the turkey?
Guess Not!
Wait just a minute!
There is one thing that is new around here ... and it is a butterball that is white, plump, fluffy and irresistible.
For sure, I found it! I found the turkey.
Yelp, that's the turkey all right.
Everybody kept saying look at that little Thanksgiving Butterball!
Wow, that was a long way to travel...just for a turkey!
Oh, well.
1 comment:
I sure fooled you....keep looking!!!
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