Friday, November 25, 2011

Where's the Turkey?

Where's the Turkey? 

That's a mystery for me, Harley, the Schnoodle Doodle.

However, all I know about a turkey is that butterball is the best kind because it is white, plump, fluffy and irresistible. 

Lookin' for Turkey took me a long way from home.

My Mom said it was Turkey Day and we were heading for Nashville to My Sister's House.

I had to ride in the car for days, or a few was a really long time.

This is me riding in the car floorboard.

My Sister's house is in the East Side of Nashville.  So I guess I need to start here to look for that turkey...since it is Turkey Day.

Guess I'll look around the house for that turkey, however I have never seen a turkey before.

Nope, that's not a turkey...that's Rosie, my sweet smelling cousin.

This could be the turkey,
but My Mom said they were owls not turkeys.

Hey, you all in the living room...Have you seen the turkey?

Guess Not!

Wait just a minute!

There is one thing that is new around here ... and it is a butterball that is white, plump, fluffy and irresistible. 

 For sure, I found it! I found the turkey.

Yelp, that's the turkey all right. 

Everybody kept saying look at that little Thanksgiving Butterball!

Wow, that was a long way to travel...just for a turkey!

Oh, well. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

My Best Kept Secret!

Hi Everybody,

  Today is the day!  Yes, I have decided to "tail" my best kept secret.

  I'm just about ready to reveal my best kept Secret just to you, but first you have to promise me something.  Okay? 
 Will you promise not to tell my dog friends?  Now you, for sure, have promised me, little dog Harley, that you will not tail my dog friends. 
  Since you have promised I will tail you my Secret.

  My Best Kept Secret is...

             I play with a plastic Cat Ball with a bell inside!

  Other little yappers would make fun of me if they knew that I love this cat toy.  So I know you have promised not to tell them...right?

  Today MY Mom caught me in action playing with my favorite ball.  Not only do I play catch with my beloved ball, I also love rolling on it. 

  Hope you like my video.
Bark at you later,

p.s.  Don't tell, remember you promised!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What a Day!

This day started out being...A Horrible no good very Bad Day...for a little dog like me Harley!

Before I could get my eyes open this morning My Mom announced that I "get to see Jenna" today.

Now you are probably thinking that this is a good thing, but for a little dog like me it is just the opposite. Jenna is the Jenna
@ Jenna's Pretty Paws....A GROOMER!

Below are pictures of the torture I had to endure:

                                                       Hanging Noose?



                              Noisy Clippers?


          Razors Sharp Scissors?

Jenna seemed to enjoy it all!

However, I just know that in her heart she felt really bad for all those things she had to do to me to make me a pretty boy...

so to make her feel better, I let her take a picture with me next to her Christmas Tree.

You know, come to think of it, if you have to go to 
A GROOMER to get pretty, Jenna is the best! 

She made me smell much better, she got rid of my nasty tangles, she trimmed my toenails all while saying nice things to me to make me feel good about myself.

 When My Mom finally showed up she even told her,  
"Harley was a Good Boy!"

Now I get to go home and get some treats because I am a Good Boy!  Guess my day isn't so horrible and very bad after all!

See you later,

Good Boy Harley

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I'm Back!

Hey Everybody it's Me, Harley!
My Mom had been working for a company called PartyRight Inflatables. (She would never let me jump in one of those cool inflatables because she said my claws would make the air go out of it. Silly Mom!) My Mom wouldn't let me write on my blogspot either because she said she couldn't get to the Google Calendar quickly when a PartyRight customer called her. Since she doesn't book customers anymore ...I'm back on my blogspot!
Hooray for me,